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Neuvaine 2024

Novena 2024

The Novena to Saint Anne 2024...

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Without a doubt, the Shrine is what it is today thanks to Good Saint Anne and to the great generosity of the pilgrims.



Paintings, mosaics, stained glass windows, stone and wooden sculptures reveal the extraordinary beauty and history of the Shrine, and the important role that it continues to play in the faith of the people.

Saint Anne

Historically speaking, we know very little about Saint Anne. The Bible says nothing about her, whereas other writings that circulated in the early Church speak about her at great length.

The Annals of Saint Anne


Editor Desk

To Whom Shall We Go?

A Japanese proverb says, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” Let us take a minute to think about this a little. On a double-pan balance, place a thousand days of diligent study on one side, and a single day on the other. This seems completely unfair, totally absurd. The proverb goes even further, because the scales tip. A single meagre day with this great teacher weighs much more than the thousand days of hard work.

Pathways of God


When people spoke to Jesus, they often called Him “Teacher.” There were many teachers in Israel at that time, but there was something special about Jesus, something that made Him
stand out. Priests, scribes, Pharisees and doctors of the Law would all study the Scriptures and the Covenant to determine how it applied to many diverse situations and explain it to the people. Jesus says of them, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it.” (Mt 23:2-3a)