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Shrine news

Horaire - Neuvaine et Fête de sainte Anne 2024

Schedule - Saint Anne Novena and Feast 2024

Come to the Shrine and pray Good Saint Anne during the Novena and the Feast of Saint Anne, from July 17 to 26, 2024...

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Neuvaine 2024

Novena 2024

The Novena to Saint Anne 2024...

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Without a doubt, the Shrine is what it is today thanks to Good Saint Anne and to the great generosity of the pilgrims.



Paintings, mosaics, stained glass windows, stone and wooden sculptures reveal the extraordinary beauty and history of the Shrine, and the important role that it continues to play in the faith of the people.

Saint Anne

Historically speaking, we know very little about Saint Anne. The Bible says nothing about her, whereas other writings that circulated in the early Church speak about her at great length.

The Annals of Saint Anne


Editor Desk

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Often, when faced with life’s challenges, we pray that God might take them away from us. There is nothing wrong with that. Indeed, Jesus himself prayed that way when he confronted his Passion, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me.” (Luke  22:42) And it sometimes happens that our prayer is answered and our path suddenly becomes lighter and easier: a cancer treatment succeeds, a relationship is set right again, a problem is resolved.


Offering Support…

Confidence is a fascinating word. It conjures up various finely nuanced meanings. It can refer to a character trait (“I have confidence in myself”), my attitude towards another (“I have confidence in you”), the strengths of my convictions (“I have confidence in this report”) or certain private conversations (“Let me share this confidence with you”).